Friday 15 February 2008

Licensing agency caught up in Mosquito media buzz

We received a lot of calls from journalists, after the news story broke that some campaign groups regard the Mosquito Tone dispersal alarm as an infringement of teenagers' civil liberties. The alarm plays an annoying sound at a frequency only audible to people aged under 25, to deter them from gathering in groups, in places like shopping precincts.

According to UK media outlets including Sky News, Children's Commissioner Sir Albert Aynsley-Green has launched a campaign calling for a ban on grounds that the Mosquito Tone alarm infringes the rights of young people. In a Sky News poll, 94pc of viewers disagreed and supported the use of the harmless alarm to counter unruly teen behaviour.

We represent the Mosquito Tone on behalf of the owners Compound Security, extending the tone for other uses that do not involve alarms and have some really good fun product ideas to discuss with merchandise companies, who want to capitalise on this heightened public interest.

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