Tuesday 18 March 2008

Award-winning internet game is the ultimate in brain training games and utterly addictive. (BBC)

Koozac is an addictive puzzle game that will definitely get your brain going. Koozac is a dynamic fusion of Tetris and Sudoku and it has won the 2007 Channel 4 Award for ‘Best Interactive Viral’. The game was also a Finalist in the International Mobile Gaming Awards 2007 and has been played to date at KooZac.com by over 2 million unique users. Both males and females of all ages find Koozac a great challenge.

O2 is expected to launch sales of UClick's mobile version throughout UK and Ireland this summer.

BBC recently featured KooZac decribing the game as the “ultimate in brain training games and utterly addictive”. Click here to read the full article or visit YouTube to see the video.

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