Wednesday 20 August 2008

Get free tickets for the STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® World Championships in Ireland this September

The highly anticipated and exciting STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® World Championships, have been confirmed to take place in Ireland for the very first time on Wednesday September 24th 2008. Kilkenny will play host to the inaugural World Championships with 15 teams from all over the world competing for this coveted title.

This is an open invitation to the Games Community to establish who would like to experience this great sport in action. If you would like free* tickets for the Championships, please contact Maribel on 08453637162 (first come first served basis).

AT New Media is seeking licensees to extend this brand in the interactive games market with Nintendo DS and Wii in particular. To discuss this opportunity please contact Simon Kay on 0845 3637192.

*tickets are available to licensees who would like to extend this brand in the interactive games market.

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