Friday 25 January 2008

Come and CHALENJ! yourself at London’s Toy Fair this month!

is the all thinking, all action activity game that brings out the competitive side in everyone!!!

We CHALENJ! you to play and come up with new interactive licensing opportunities that could work for you.

Visit the Re:Creation Stand at the International Toy Fair on Thursday 31st Jan at Excel London and see whether you can do it better!

No other game leads with Active and Athletic fun games applications underpinned by competitive and mental techniques like CHALENJ!. When we think interactive extension of board games, we have seen what Cranium has done, but CHALENJ! is built for the Nintendo Wii™ and the mechanics can be evolved into Brain/Quiz, Dance, Mystery, and Athletic applications whilst remaining in tune with the core game.

AT New Media’s Brands Division (ATB) is pleased to announce its move into the Board Game and associated brands market. There is no doubt that CHALENJ! has potential in the interactive games and content market.

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